Healthy Choices for Every Body
The Healthy Choices for Every Body (HCEB) curriculum is a research-tested direct education intervention developed by the University of Kentucky Nutrition Education Program.
There are five primary learning objectives for the HCEB curriculum. These objectives address both short-term and medium-term learning targets. The learning objectives focus on behavior changes that will help participants achieve a healthy lifestyle on a limited budget. As a result of participating in HCEB, participants will…
- Objective 1: Improve diet quality.
- Objective 2: Increase physical activity.
- Objectives 3: Improve food safety practices.
- Objective 4: Improve food resource management practices.
- Objective 5: Increase food preparation practices.
HCEB incorporates lessons and activities that recognize participants’ experiences, skills, and knowledge; explains why, what, and how the nutrition education concepts presented relate to real-life situations; and includes active learning activities, hands-on practice, & demonstrations to help participants understand and apply content.
Lesson units are provided at 6th grade literacy level to reach targeted populations. Materials available in both English and Spanish (forthcoming). Selected handouts are also available in French, Swahili and Braille.
Intervention materials include:
Curricular Materials
- Curriculum Overview Guide with program planning materials
- Lesson Facilitator Guides
- Participant Handouts which include:
- Content
- Recipes to develop food preparation skills
- Physical activity routines
- Guided Script for Teaching
- PowerPoint Slides for each lesson
- Teaching Aids
- Learning Activities
- Marketing Materials
- Evaluation Tools and Data Collection Methods
The HCEB curriculum is a series of lessons. There are seven lessons participants are required to attend to graduate. In addition, there are eight optional lessons that address topics that expand beyond the information found in the required lessons and/or are for the specialized needs of various populations.
Read about HCEB in the Journal of Nutrition Education Behavior
Adedokun, O.A., Plonski, P., Jenkins-Howard, B., Cotterill, D.B., & Vail, A. (2018). Healthy choices for every body adult curriculum improves participants’ food resource management skills and food safety practices. Journal of Nutrition Education Behavior, 50(6), 638-644.
Click HERE to Access HCEB Files
The link will open a registration form and terms of use agreement for the HCEB curriculum. After completion, a link to the files will be provided.
Page updated 9/27/2023